
Loaves and Fishes Ministry-

In the Foyer there is a donation box for food items that are donated monthly to the local Food Pantry through the Loaves and Fishes organization. Also collected at the back of the Sanctuary are individual, single use toiletry items. The Kalamazoo Mission downtown allows the homeless to come in, shower, shave and do mouth care.

Green Jar Giving:

We have a greenish colored Jar in the sanctuary and every couple of months we change the cause that we are donating to. We have donated to, Church Camp registration fees, Hospice houses, Community of Christ Mission Initiatives, Outreach International and many more.

Youth Ministry

  • Scholarships are also provided for youth who attend Community of Christ sponsored camps on Church owned campgrounds over the summer months

Bible Study

Currently we have Bible Study on Thursday evenings.

Clown Ministry-

A troupe of hilarious clowns occasionally provide joyful, fun-filled, and insightful ministry in Worship and at Church events.

Young Adult Ministry-

Monthly Gatherings of young Adults